Psalms Code II


The 19th Book of the Bible, the Book of Psalms starts with the verse "Blessed is the man that walketh… ". Rasputin traveled, on foot, from Tyumen Oblast, Russia to Jerusalem and Athens, Greece the year the first Psalms points at – in year 1901. In other words, the 19th Book of the Bible, Psalms, starts with the verse that hints the journey of the 19th incarnation of Christ. The entire 150 Chapters of the Psalms, at its fourth and outmost layer, are devoted to him – to Immanuel, Jesus Christ. Simply put, the very first verse of the Book of Psalms declares the dedicated deity and the official address of the 3,000-year-old verses. It is no other than Jesus Christ - the Man who died not! Jesus Christ: the supernatural, the phenomenal, if not the extraterrestrial [one Man, twenty-two lives!]. As his biblical name "Immanuel" clearly defines: "The Lord" who "is with us"!

Psalms Code II
Psalms code II

The Earth was LORD's gift to him. What we call "history" is, was and still is being written for him, at certain times, exclusively by him. Jesus called on the LORD, and the LORD heard him. When Jesus died or was murdered, it was the LORD of Hosts who saved him and brought him back to life. Jesus never died a permanent death. His deaths were only temporary "leaves of absence". He was in one extreme condition or state of "savasana" [corpse pose] when he died. He was destined to be born again. He, almost, incarnated at will. He called on the LORD, and the LORD saved,  "delivered" or "redeemed" him; hence the name Jesus ["Yahweh saves or rescues"].

Death was not an obstacle for Immanuel. He would die but would soon be brought back to life again exclusively by the LORD of Hosts. In a way, the entire globe, the planet Earth may be pictured as Immanuel's playground. He lived several lives in it, and at certain times, all at once! He wrote, personally staged and played the lives of certain key figures of human history all by himself. Without a shadow of a doubt, He still does! We are talking about a Man who is at least 3,000 years old by our [human] standards! The fourth and the final layer of the Psalms is devoted entirely to Immanuel ["Lord is with us"] – Jesus Christ!

In the Bible, the LORD is depicted with the number 19 [the figure that is made of two numbers: 1 and 9 – the "first" and the "last"]. "I am Alpha and Omega" declares the Lord. In our decimal system number one marks "the first" and number nine marks "the last" numeral! [Number zero was not "discovered" or put to use up until the 10th century AD]. One plus nine makes a ten. One "and" nine ["Alpha and Omega"] make a "19"!  As declared in Isaiah 44:6 and Revelation 22:13, 19 is the number of the LORD ("first" and "last", "Alpha" and "Omega"; 1 and 9 or 19), just as 22 is the number of Jesus Christ "His Anointed".

The number 19, the holy number that represents the LORD ("the first and the last") unveils all secrets hidden from man! The Koran is also known for its "miracle of 19" – the network of the number 19 across its chapters and verses. Note that 19th Chapter of the Koran starts with 19th letter of its Hebrew equivalent – letter Kaf.  The verses and the messages of the Psalms and the Koran are interlocked as we shall reveal in this book and in another book titled "Psalms Confirm the Koran".
Jesus, who started his first life as "Immanuel" ["The Lord is with us"], a name and a life lived exclusively by the LORD of Hosts, founded and established Christianity. He was born once a century, once a generation, and he made himself known usually at the 69th or 70th year of the century at hand, 77 years from the first Jubilee Year of the following century.

Following His Crucifixion, he lived four more lives in the consecutive four centuries that followed. At His sixth life, he incarnated as Prophet Mohammed, delivered the Koran and founded Islam. As hinted in several verses of the Psalms, especially in the 19th Psalm, Prophet Mohammed was the 6th incarnation of Jesus Christ. He not only established the religion of Islam, but ruled the Arab nation and was the Commander in Chief of their army as well.

When Islam was revealed six centuries after the birth of Christ, the ultimate sin Jews committed against the LORD was not totally forgotten. Parallel to the Christian faith, Jesus was the LORD but only at His first and last lives. Attempting to crucify the LORD may be the very reason why certain verses of the Koran portray Lord's anger at the Jews, even though the abomination Jews committed was already six hundred years old by our standards when Islam was first revealed. Considering the fact that a thousand years is only a day on LORD's calendar [Psalms 90:4], six hundred and ten years would only mark a 0.61th of a day [the Golden Mean, or the Golden Ratio!] for the LORD who still held His fury against the Jews when Islam was introduced [610 AD]. The 19th Book, 19th Chapter of the Bible, Psalms, illustrates Islam. Incidentally, the 19th Book, 19th verse of the Koran, the holy Book of Islam, signals the birth of Jesus!  Moreover, the 19th Book of the Koran is titled "Marium", or "Mary", the virgin who begot Jesus! Coincidence? We most certainly do not think so!

At the end of His miraculous series of lives, Jesus was all. He started His journey, his first life as a Jew [Jesus of Nazareth] lived exclusively by the LORD of Hosts Himself. Centuries later Jesus continued His cycle of lives as an Arab [Prophet Mohammed], and ended it as a Russian [Rasputin], a Jew and a Turk [Lenin], an American [Royal Raymond Rife] and finally the "Father of Turks", a Turk [Mustafa Kemal Ataturk]. Ataturk marked the final, the 22nd incarnation of Jesus Christ. He was a "name" reserved to be lived by the LORD of Hosts Himself alone. Ataturk founded the Republic of Turkey, and was the Commander in Chief of the Turkish Army and the first President of the Turkish "race".

Rasputin was called a "holy man" (by the Tsar), a "prophet" and "Christ" (by Tsar's wife Alexandra who claimed God talked to her through Rasputin), he was considered to be a "religious prophet" and a "man of God" by both the Tsar and his wife, and even "Anti-Christ" (by Khionia Guseva, who attempted to kill him – "I've killed the Anti-Christ"). People who knew him were well aware of his heavenly qualifications.

Why did Jesus Christ live the life of "Anti-Christ" in the body of and under the name Rasputin? Rasputin, though seen as a "holy man" by the Tsar, his wife and the elite of St. Petersburg, also had fame as a womanizer. His motto of "divine grace through sin" conflicted with what Jesus Christ taught 1,900 years ago. The 18th Psalm gives the answer:

Psalms 18

25 With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful; with an upright man thou wilt shew thyself upright;
26 With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself froward.
In other words, the general character of the people of the nation Jesus incarnated in would reveal and determine the general character of Jesus. If He was born in a nation with atheism and denial of God as their main attribute, Jesus would "wear" that character and outlook on life just the same.

He was a prophet among the Jews [Jesus Christ], a prophet and a warrior among the Arabs [Prophet Mohammed], a scholar and a statesman, a commander-in-chief among the Turks [Yusuf Khas Hajib and Ataturk], a scientist, a man of research and development and a doctor among the Americans  [Royal Raymond Rife], a womanizer who taught "divine grace through sin" and the head of atheists and atheism among the Russians [Rasputin and Lenin].

The final four lives of Jesus, the 19th to 22nd incarnations, were "worn" all at once; commemorating His spectacular series of lives with one stunning finale! At the end of the 1,900-year incarnation cycle, by the end of the 19th year of the 19th century, the past, the present and the future of human history were already co-written exclusively by the LORD of Hosts and His Anointed Jesus Christ alone!

The new 1,900-year cycle is due to start again in year 2019, at exactly 100 years after the end of the first one that halted in 1919! Again, the new "Jesus Incarnation Cycle" is destined to be launched precisely in year 2019 – the year the 119th Psalm points at, 19 years after the end of the second millennium following Jesus Christ's first birth! As the "First" and the "Last" the LORD of Hosts will "live" the very first new life of the new "Jesus Cycle" once again!

Just like the previous cycle, the new cycle will offer yet another 22 new lives for Jesus Christ, plus two more – a total of 24 lives!  The 119th Psalm, is the longest Psalm, and is the longest Chapter of the Bible [and the first one that follows its "middle", "center" chapter – the 118th Psalm] and hosts several clues as to what the expect in each and every upcoming life Jesus will reveal Himself in from year 2019 and onward.

The word "LORD" is mentioned 24 times within the 119th Psalm that points to year 2019 events, hinting the start of 24 brand new lives destined for Jesus within the new "Jesus Cycle" of 1,900 years. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet signals and numbers the lives that await Jesus  in His long journey ahead and hint the context, the duty and the character of each therein.

Nine years from now, the LORD will make Himself known as a human, manifested in a human body, under a new name, in an office or duty He already has "sworn in" here on Earth in year 2010.  The very first life of the new 1,900-year incarnation cycle of Jesus shall again be "lived" or "worn" exclusively by the LORD of Hosts Himself. The LORD is nigh! Just nine years from now, mankind will have an "twice in a 1,900 years" chance to witness the start of a new Jesus Cycle and behold the glory of the LORD manifested in a human body with their own eyes!  Though it may sound as science fiction to most, the key phrases hidden in the Psalms have kept signaling the fact for the past 3,000 years. The true message of the Psalms was either ignored, kept secret or remained unsolved. There is no verse in the Psalms that claims that Jesus had just one life, lived it and died and that was all there is to it. To the contrary, the final, the fourth and the outmost layer of the Psalms belongs to Jesus and is there to reveal the hidden Jesus of the era at hand.

What we call "history", in a way, is the biography of Jesus. The almanac of mankind is nothing but the diary of Jesus! - The Man who died not!  [A permanent death!]

Psalms 118:
17  I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD.
18  The LORD hath chastened me sore: but he hath not given me over unto death.
The 118th Psalm is the "middle", the "center" chapter of the entire Bible. The 118th Psalm that points to year 2018 AD events signals that half of human history is over. The 119th Psalm that points to year 2019 AD events [the year of the start of the new Jesus Cycle] hints the start of another era - the other half!

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